Manon Louasse

28 nov. 2023

Influence marketing trends in 2024

Responsible influence, exclusive content, influence beyond the social networks, and freedom for creators... These are what we predicted last year as the major trends for 2023.

Now, the question on everyone's lips is: What can we expect in 2024? Let's find out together and discover the future trends in influencer marketing for the coming year.


From creators to creAItors

On today's social networks, the line between reality and virtuality is blurred. Creators increasingly use multiple tools to create sensational, original, and unique content.

We're thinking, of course, of artificial intelligence, which is transforming our professions. Whether we're afraid of it or just getting used to it, we must recognize that AI has opened the door to a world with billions of creative possibilities. Whether you are on the agency side, the advertiser side, or the creator side, it's better to know how to use these tools wisely to impress your audience. Influencers understand this. In fact, according to GWI, 74% of content creators would like to receive training on artificial intelligence and how to use it in their creative process.

Any examples of content?

In Quebec and at Clark, we've also been able to use artificial intelligence in some campaigns. In particular, we worked with Manic Panic, a semi-permanent hair color brand. The idea was to use Midjourney to imagine the result of hair color before taking action. In this way, we teased audiences and created anticipation through a realistic preview.

In France, famous creator Antton Racca regularly uses AI. He automatically translates his TikToks to post them on an English-speaking account. This tactic makes his work more accessible and opens him to a new audience.

An influence without geographical barriers

Antton Racca is physically based in France, his reach goes far beyond this - even reaching audiences in North America. Similarly, prominent Quebecois influencers like Aly Brassard are touching audiences far beyond the geographical confines of Quebec. Influencers are making waves worldwide and are becoming well known globally, not just locally.

Now more than ever, the language barrier is obsolete. With artificial intelligence and automated translators, content no longer knows borders. As you've already seen on TikTok and YouTube, it's effortless to translate something into your native language.

The King of this trend is the one and only MrBeast. This creator used to publish his content on several YouTube channels (MrBeast, MrBeast in French...). But not any longer! Why do you ask? Simply because, from now on, his videos can be translated by the platform. All users have to do is select the language they want.

But creators/influencers are going global in more ways than just translating content. Creators are crossing borders. This time, literally. Influencers travel, meet their foreign counterparts, create unique content, and connect their two communities.

Many cross-country meetings have already taken place in the past. French Youtubeur Aminematue, for example, challenged Spanish streamer DjMario to a never-before-seen soccer match. The creators exploited all the codes of the discipline (interviews, national anthems...).

These meetings allow influencers to create audience transfers. These types of activations can be designed for international brands, or for brands in the tourism industry.

Influencer marketing as a recruitment tool

Social networking and job hunting are related, yes. But here, we're not talking about LinkedIn. We're talking about TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. Brands are increasingly using these platforms either as part of a social media strategy or through influencer marketing with the goal of communicating their employer brand, company culture and to promote potential job opportunities. Content creators act as spokespeople for the brand, sharing information and inspiring future employees.

This trend is as popular in North America as it is in Europe. In Quebec, Sépaq enlisted Clark Influence and Adviso to generate interest in seasonal jobs among young people aged 15 to 24. Three influencers, such as Aly Brassard, who are very popular with the target audience on Instagram and TikTok, were activated and were tasked with promoting the different types of job benefits that the company could offer.

Many examples were also published in France, but one stood out in 2023. We're talking, of course, about the ready-to-wear brand Camaïeu, which called on THE most popular content creator, Léna Situations, for the brands return to the market. It's a partnership to recruit the future communications director that has gone viral and naturally generated a lot of applications.

When it comes to sparking passions and vocations, the deep pool of social networking is at your disposal. Maybe LinkedIn should take a page from some of the other social networking platforms' books and take a more modern approach to recruiting.

A short step from creator to employee

For our third trend, let's stay in the HR space.

Faire appel à des créateurs de contenus pour des campagnes ponctuelles, c’est beau. Et si les marques capitalisaient à 200% sur l’esprit créatif et novateur de ces talents ? Comment ? En les intégrant directement dans les prises de décision et en les intégrant à leur département marketing/communication. Nous avons souvent vu des marques créer des collections avec des influenceurs directement. Mais certaines peuvent aller encore plus loin. Plus le créateur sera proche de la marque humainement parlant, plus les collaborations pourront être naturelles et authentiques.

To discover an example of this, we have to fly to the UK. The iconic McCain brand saw a logical connection with the famous drag queen known from RuPaul's Drag Race, Baga Chipz. Baga Chipz was hired as creative director. Various communications, embodied by the creator, were broadcast on her social platforms, carrying the brand's messages. All follow the Baga Chipz universe and editorial line.

Highly specialized creators for legitimate and authentic communications

Many lifestyle influencers have substantial communities, allowing them to reach large audiences. However, the content can seem repetitive when we look at these creators in the context of a partnership. And when we look at highly specialized creators, we find that they allow us to create campaigns that are out of the ordinary while appealing to a highly engaged community. Smaller (in some cases), but definitely interested in the topic and more engaged.

The idea is to be original by adapting the creative concept of a brand to the specific editorial line of a specialized creator. With this strategy, it's a safe bet that the content will be original, unique and well-received by communities. Niche influencers bring a visual and creative distinctiveness that makes all the difference

Need proof? Here are two.

Cheetos called on Marianne Plaisance in Quebec as part of its "Ambassadoigts" campaign. The influencer created a Cheetos stand featuring fingers full of crumbs, the brand's iconic image. As always, the content is out of the box and leaves a lasting impression, as her brand is omnipresent and 100% respectful of her editorial line.

In France, still in the DIY world, the creator Alichuree recently collaborated with the Ibis Styles hotel chain. She could stay in one of their hotels, but that's not all. She took the opportunity to decorate one of their rooms with a DIY and create a unique product in her image. A DIY produced in duplicate, to spoil her community.

Formats outside the network

We know our favorite influencers for their content on their social platforms. But what do their lives look like outside the networks? Some influencers no longer hesitate to cross digital boundaries to diversify their careers and expand their audiences. And to do that, they're turning to... traditional media. For years, we've enjoyed contrasting conventional media with social networks. But one inspires the other. By creating links and synergies between them, success will follow. Indeed, in France, we all wondered why TF1 didn't see Océane's content on YouTube as a huge opportunity.

But, other media groups in France are counting on the arrival of content creators to diversify their programs or expand their audiences. We're particularly thinking of HugoDécrypte, who is coming to France 2 to present his "hidden interviews". We're also thinking of Ophenya, a very popular influencer with the younger generation. She will host the 2023 edition of Eurovision Junior alongside leading TV presenters. This is an excellent way to attract a younger audience to France Télévision, especially when the French public is not the biggest fan of this music competition.

On the Quebec side, the media has also identified opportunities for content creators to step out of their comfort zones. Marianne Plaisance is one such example. With Ici TOU.TV, the influencer has launched a web series, "Marianne s'en mêle", dedicated to renovating and decorating.

We're seeing more and more connections being made between the different channels. We can't wait to see what's next and to discover new projects from content creators.

The six trends we identified bring us to a fascinating point. Influence continues to grow and expand, breaking down all the barriers that once surrounded it. No more geographical boundaries, predetermined channels, or unique business sectors... The field of possibilities for influence is widening, and the possibilities are growing.