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  • Writer's pictureNicolas Bon

Influencer marketing for associations, the key strategy to stand out 🙌

In recent years, social networks have become a unique tool for associations to publicise their cause and collect donations. There are many examples of success. Recently, the city of Montreal ran a campaign with influencers to publicise its "Vision Zero" initiative. Six content creators were activated to encourage citizens to learn about the initiative and to sign the charter. Several hundred signatures were registered.

With an influencer marketing campaign, the objectives can be multiple: to collect donations, to raise awareness of a cause, to recruit new volunteers... According to a study conducted by Giving Report, 29% of donors declare that social networks are the communication tool that most encourages them to give. 87% of them do so for the first time or for the second time, after hearing an influencer speak (The State of Modern Philanthropy Report).

Every project with an association or NGO is a success. The secret of content creators? The proximity with their audience makes their messages have more impact. Their subscribers support their actions by identifying with them, by recognising themselves in their discourse. In this way, these subscribers agree with what they share and are more inclined to support each of their projects.

These different examples show that the associative world has its place on social networks. According to a recent study conducted by Leger, 73% of Canadians explain that they have changed one of their habits by adopting a better behaviour towards the planet or their daily life, after having heard a content creator speak about this subject. According to the same report, 73% of Canadian users said they changed their mind about a cause after seeing an influencer's content.

All this online work gives a lot of visibility to the actions of associations and NGOs. How can they collaborate with content creators to share their messages and actions with more people? What kind of partnerships are possible?

What is influencer marketing for associations?

Before going into more detail, let's take a moment to recall what influencer marketing is and why it can be interesting for the non-profit world.

This strategy aims to rely on the reputation of content creators, i.e. users on social networks who have gathered thousands and thousands of people around their personality and their interests. While fashion, beauty and sports are the most popular themes, 24% of influencers in Canada are followed for their commitments and the causes they defend, according to the study conducted by Leger.

On their side, companies call upon them when they need to communicate on different projects, such as the release of a new product/service or when there is a message to be conveyed.

Some associations have understood the impact of these creators' speeches. For example, Secours Populaire in France turns to these profiles when there is a need for communication. "As soon as we respond to an emergency situation, we create communication kits that we send to influencers," explains Malika Tabti, secretary general of Secours Populaire to the site Carenews. The SPA and Amnesty International are also familiar with this practice. The aim behind it is to encourage them to speak out on their social networks.

Today, creators no longer hesitate to post their opinions on social issues, particularly those concerning animal welfare, the environment or even appeals for donations to help the most disadvantaged. These opinion formers are therefore becoming an essential communication channel for associations.

Three examples of partnerships between influencers and associations

Before embarking on the design of the project, the consumers chosen for the campaign must receive the product for testing. The content that is then devised takes many different formats to diversify the production. To help you better understand what the trends are and what a UGC photo or video looks like, here are some examples.

But how do you work with them? How do you make sure that the message you want to get across gets across? For a campaign to have a real impact, it has to be thought through and thought out to achieve the right objective. At Clark Influence, we have been able to support several associations and NGOs on social networks.


We Act For Good, a WWF entity, called on our team for an awareness campaign among 25-35 year olds. The objective was to share with them the easy everyday actions they can take to preserve our planet. For this project, we collaborated with seven content creators, including @erikafleuryofficial, @jauraipumappelermarcel and @morgan_guillon. In content published on Instagram, they carried out challenges (sorting your mailbox, becoming a flexitarian, making your own household products, dressing in an eco-responsible way).

More than 148 pieces of content were created with an engagement rate of 7.76% and more than 700 downloads of the personalised programme put forward.

With this influencer marketing campaign, WWF shared with the largest possible number of people, a cause defended by the NGO. It was also a way for them to increase traffic to the page with the personalised guide.

Foundation Olo

In Canada, the Olo Foundation makes regular appeals for donations. In 2020, the team is partnering with the Marché Tradition and Bonichoix brands to raise as much money as possible. To optimise the visibility of this action, Clark Influence called upon 7 content creators, mothers, to highlight the work carried out by the foundation, the collaboration with the two brands and the objective behind the appeal for donations.

With this campaign, it is easy to understand that in addition to sharing its actions, social networks are also a perfect relay when calling for donations.


AIDES has made a habit of collaborating with content creators at key moments. The aim is to get a message across and to encourage communities to take action, such as making a donation on the occasion of the "Fête de l'amour" or giving blood. At the same time, prevention campaigns have been designed to explain the dangers of certain STDs, such as HIV or hepatitis C.

AIDES, particularly during Pride month and Solidays, communicates a lot about its actions with the aim of publicising them, but also to talk about much more specific themes to reach certain communities.

The content creator, an essential choice for associations

As we can see with these three campaigns, influencer marketing in the non-profit world can meet several major objectives:

  • to communicate with a large number of people about your appeal for donations

  • increase the traffic and visibility of a specific website or webpage

  • raise awareness of a specific cause

  • present the actions carried out by the association

  • increase its network of volunteers

To carry out these actions, the choice of content creator is more than important. There are several possibilities. It is possible to turn to profiles specialised in a particular field and who are used to popularising a cause that concerns you. Or it may be a good idea to activate influencers who are less vocal on these issues.

The objective is then different. In the first case, you will address a community of experts, while in the second, the general public will be targeted. This less informed public will identify with the influencer and therefore follow his words with attention.

This particularity of targeting and identification is specific to influencer marketing, which differentiates it from other more traditional media. It is also for this reason that the ambassador selection stage is more than important in an influencer marketing campaign.

The perfect ambassador for your association exists on social networks. Now you just have to find them!

Clark Influence, an agency of enthusiasts who will accompany you on the great adventure of content creation

We will find the best content creators to be ambassadors for your association. We believe that the right profiles can give you more impact than a traditional media campaign.

If you would like us to find you talent capable of embodying your association through a turnkey influencer marketing campaign: contact us! We would be delighted to send you a service offer:


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